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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Air Bean Bee is supported by it's readers by viewing advertisements and through purchases via affiliate links. I only provide affiliate links to products and services I have personal experience with, and there is no extra cost to you if you purchase an item through a link on this website.

The contents of this website and any implied or direct recommendations made herein are for entertainment purposes only. They should not be considered as business advice or otherwise. Always check with an appropriate professional for necessary questions.


After one year of hosting, due to new demands resulting from starting graduate school and the results of my financial analysis, I decided to migrate to having full-time roommates instead of continuing to host Airbnb. In essence, after accounting for cleaning costs, all utilities, etc, I determined that I made about 20% more by hosting short-term tenants instead of having full-time roommates. I discuss in detail the financial analysis I went through when deciding if I should continue hosting or not in the section How Much Will I Make? This may be useful if you are on the fence with respect to hosting.


In keeping with the overall efficiency I strive for, part of the reason for putting this site together is to not “waste” the knowledge I gained from hosting for one year. I believe there is genuine time-saving value to be gained from the research and considerations contained herein. Part of this involves providing links to products that I found to be helpful in creating a positive guest experience. I may receive compensation for purchases made through these links.